by TeriYanovitch | Aug 21, 2019 | Customer Service, Elementary and High School, Higher Education, Tips & Tools
All levels of schools from Pre-K to College began classes last week. Both students and parents were either wowed and delighted by the organized systems in place and the treatment they received from the staff or they became frustrated, disappointed, and maybe...
by TeriYanovitch | Mar 6, 2018 | Customer Service, Elementary and High School, Higher Education
Hire nice people. It is in the top three reasons why guests say they keep going back to Disney: because the cast members are friendly and courteous. If you truly want a culture of service excellence, it must start with the people you hire today. Look for the...
by TeriYanovitch | Oct 6, 2015 | Customer Service, Higher Education
According to a recently released Moody’s Investor Service report, closure rates for small colleges and universities are expected to triple in the coming years. In addition, they predict increases in mergers and alliances for publicly funded institutions. All related...
by TeriYanovitch | Sep 1, 2015 | Customer Service, Higher Education
For a long time we have known that the student experience is a key factor in graduation and retention rates and for a long time this fact has been ignored by most institutions. Be it Tinto’s study that showed while SAT and high school grades were...
by TeriYanovitch | Apr 9, 2015 | Customer Service, Higher Education
Every college or university I have visited complains of the silos between departments. These silos are like invisible walls that prevent co-workers from working together and building relationships. These walls create a competition between departments and people...