Higher Ed Closures to Triple

According to a recently released Moody’s Investor Service report, closure rates for small colleges and universities are expected to triple in the coming years. In addition, they predict increases in mergers and alliances for publicly funded institutions. All related...

Ozymandias of Higher Ed

  “Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair?” So goes Shelley’s famous warning to pretensions of greatness and hubris. One cannot help but recall Shelley’s celebrated sonnet when listening to the intractable positions taken by many stakeholders in Higher Ed....

Great Service – It’s All in the Details

When you pull down the tray in front of your airline seat and see that it is broken, do you think that the cabin crew is falling down on the job, or do you start to worry about the plane’s engine? When you see a smudged lipstick print on your wine glass, do you think...

How to Counsel to Service Standards

Great coaches know the importance of keeping their team in line with a clear vision of where they are going.  When team members drift off, the coach is right there to bring them back. When I ask the question to managers “why is counseling employees challenging?” I...