by TeriYanovitch | May 11, 2021 | Corporate, Customer Service, Financial, Healthcare, Hospitality, Non-Profit, Retail, Tips & Tools
Once in a great while you come across a company that blows your socks off with their customer service and that is exactly what has happened to me over the past few weeks in working with Vanguard investments. What is their secret? Three things: 1. Responsive. I have...
by TeriYanovitch | Feb 4, 2021 | Corporate, Customer Service, Financial, Healthcare, Hospitality, Non-Profit, Retail, Tips & Tools
There is a revitalization occurring as we begin 2021 and organizations are looking not only to revive their businesses, but to create a rebirth or a new beginning. One of the ways this is happening is through organizing the whole business around the delivery of...
by admin | Jun 30, 2020 | Customer Service, Elementary and High School, Higher Education, Tips & Tools
Looking through Lens of Student Students are worried. They are worried that they will have to attend all online classes when they return to school and they miss the face to face classes. They are worried that the new scheduling will not have the classes available they...
by admin | Jun 9, 2020 | Customer Service, Higher Education, Tips & Tools
Coming Back to School As colleges and universities are getting ready to open for late summer or fall classes, three essential steps to take to ensure both employees and students are as comfortable and confident of resuming their roles: 1. Emphasize your Higher...
by admin | May 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
Opportunity to Make Change in Culture Now is the time to redefine your university culture. When schools are given the go ahead to open again, for many it will be like starting over. If you weren’t happy with the culture you had, it will be a perfect time to create the...