by admin | Jun 9, 2020 | Customer Service, Higher Education, Tips & Tools
Coming Back to School As colleges and universities are getting ready to open for late summer or fall classes, three essential steps to take to ensure both employees and students are as comfortable and confident of resuming their roles: 1. Emphasize your Higher...
by admin | May 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
Opportunity to Make Change in Culture Now is the time to redefine your university culture. When schools are given the go ahead to open again, for many it will be like starting over. If you weren’t happy with the culture you had, it will be a perfect time to create the...
by TeriYanovitch | Feb 28, 2018 | Customer Service, Higher Education
Many colleges are starting to host Open House Days for students that have been accepted for admission to their school and also inviting students who are still deciding on which school to choose. Most higher ed institutions are thinking about how they are being...
by TeriYanovitch | Sep 1, 2015 | Customer Service, Higher Education
For a long time we have known that the student experience is a key factor in graduation and retention rates and for a long time this fact has been ignored by most institutions. Be it Tinto’s study that showed while SAT and high school grades were...
by TeriYanovitch | Apr 9, 2015 | Customer Service, Higher Education
Every college or university I have visited complains of the silos between departments. These silos are like invisible walls that prevent co-workers from working together and building relationships. These walls create a competition between departments and people...