How to Measure Service

If we want improvement in our processes, it is important to measure.  By not measuring, we don’t really know what or how big is our problem or obstacle.  I am often asked the question:  “How do you measure service?”  Below is a worksheet that may...

Student Retention and Transparency

More and more, as I work with colleges and universities, I am hearing the word “transparency” coming up as a needed service standard. This implies to me, that currently, there is little to no transparency. Is it that we live in such a non-transparent world today that...

Hell Has Frozen Over and Pigs Do Fly

            I read a recent article in Inside Higher Ed on Kenneth Starr being unanimously voted to be chancellor of Baylor University. Yes, the same Ken Starr of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky fame. Yes, the same University that has...

Higher Ed Survival Guide

A recent article in Slate on Southern New Hampshire University tells a tale of two cities. SNHU was on death watch. SNHU was a struggling private school with declining enrollment, weak finances, and no name recognition. This is not such an uncommon position as over...